A Recruit and Retain Webinar by CASP

Supporting Neurodiverse Employees in the Skilled Trades

Thursday, February 29, 2024

2-3:30 p.m. ET  / 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m. PT

Learn how to create a welcoming workplace in which neurodiverse workers thrive.

Did you know that 15 to 20 percent of the population is considered neurodiverse?

This includes individuals with ADHD, learning disabilities, acquired brain injuries, Autism Spectrum Disorder, and more.

Neurodiverse workers can bring immense strengths to the construction industry.

Creating inclusive worksite environments to support neurodiversity is not hard but it does require deliberate effort. 

In this free 90-minute session you’ll learn more about neurodiversity, how to ask questions, how to better communicate, and why creating inclusive constructive workspaces is better for everyone. 

As a bonus, registrants will receive a comprehensive series of five PDF resources covering the topics discussed during the session.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to enhance your understanding and create a more inclusive workplace!

Register Now!

Kimberly Van Ryn

Kim Portrait IMG_0739-3

Kimberly, of The Expert Talk, is a neuro-diverse human and the founder of Branching Out Support Services Inc. She’s also a yoga teacher and trauma informed practitioner. Blending her background in child and youth work, energetic practices, and trauma-informed principles, she is constantly curious about the human mind, brain, and heart.